Saturday, March 10, 2012

Container Garden In The Works

Instead of blogging here on the When The SHTF blog over the past week or so, I got busy reading more on container gardening, watched videos about the same, and slowly started my container gardening. I worked on article writing (not published yet. The topics of Indrid Cold, Zombie Invasions, UFO theories, etc., require some research time, believe it or not) as well as blogging elsewhere while I waited to see whether or not some seeds I had kickin' around from last year would actually sprout or not - along with some new seeds I just bought and planted. I got the seeds into the soil last weekend (for three store-bought mini-garden "kits" I brought home on the weekend).

I was happy to note that a few days ago, li'l green, white, red and yellow-ish shoots started peeking out from the soil and if I take care of these li'l organic life forms, I'm going to have some salad greens, herbs, tomato snacks and add better nutrition into my lifestyle!

I'm also RE-Purposing many containers! I got baby spinach and lettuce mix each in family sized plastic containers a little while ago and these are being re-used instead of going to the landfill now that I've finished eating the greens. In these containers are - you guessed it - spinach and lettuce mix, in soil, and I'll be able to harvest the leaves in just a few weeks for fresh salad meals and snacks.

When shopping, I've been looking at what kinds of containers are holding the items I bring home. I want to be able to fill the empty containers with something else once the original content is gone out of the container. I never expected to feel this way about shopping, recycling, re-purposing objects when I was growing up but really, I think we all can do more to ease damage and waste to our environment. As well, re-purposing can save money on items I'd normally go out and purchase as empty containers, so there are more benefits to being environmentally friendly than I expected when I first began thinking about making an indoor/outdoor or container garden.

I'm using salad greens containers like in the picture below:

And once I get my digital camera recharged properly, I'll take some pics and show how my own container garden looks. I will do better than the very short vid clip below.

Recycle, Re-purpose, Re-use. I can tell that these three words are going to be very familiar to me from now on, along with the actions that go along with these words.

I know the video clip is only a few seconds but it shows the very small containers I am using to start my garden in. Yes, that little tiny rectangular container at the back is a lunchbox sandwich container - extremely small - but I intend to transplant the plants into a larger container soon. The soil should come out of that box in a little brick and I can just lay it down into a soil filled bucket in a couple of weeks. The little round container is a plastic pop bottle, cut in half with the top inverted to make a very small version of the pop bottle planter I displayed in the last blog post. I wanted to try making a self-watering bottle planter on a small bottle before I started hacking away at larger plastic bottles.

To get a better idea of the scale, here's a snap shot from a vid where I placed an ordinary drinking box in the area and ran the video camera again.

I found some excellent items in my backyard today that will come in handy for my gardening needs this year - some strollers and a li'l red wagon. I started cleaning up the wagon but since it's still really sloppy with melting snow outside, the wagon isn't ready for use yet.

I hope to get my li'l red wagon as clean as the one above in just a few days.

There isn't a whole lot of vegetation going on or to show just yet but I've made a start. The good part of all this is that I've still got a whole bunch of soil and seeds here. As a low income resident in my community, I have a whole store of motivation to grow my own food, save myself money on groceries, eat healthy and stay engaged with this gardening project!

So far, the items I've planted:

lettuce (3 or 4 different kinds, including a red lettuce)
green onions, chives and sweet basil
tomato, cayenne pepper and cilantro
swiss chard (a nice variety, ruby red)
garlic (in the mini pop bottle)
a few bean and pea plants and an experiment with beet seeds (lol)

I may have forgotten something but by mid-week next week I will have put together some containers with more beans (green and yellow varieties) and peas, carrots, parsnips, radish, more lettuce, and more garlic. Once I get to a store that has a better variety of seeds on display than I've found so far, I'll buy more seeds and plant more herbs.


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