Friday, February 24, 2012

Survival Prepping Overwhelming For Newbies

I have some friends who have seen the blog who are freaked out with the whole idea of planning for SHTF time. In part, when they saw the already varied topics here, they mentioned feeling overwhelmed at all that will have to go into prepping for survival in case of potential (some say, "inevitable") disasters - both natural and man-made.

I have more time available than most of my friends, so I've decided my task is to keep prepping, answer questions if anyone ever has them for me, keep filling this blog with information and - most importantly - to REFRAIN from bugging my friends constantly to prep, prep, PREPARE for when SHTF! (If I don't refrain, then I will fall into the classification of "Prepper Freak" or "doomsday fanatic" and will never be taken seriously).

Luckily, I have a few Zombie movie fan and horror movie fan friends so we end up in good natured, short off the cuff discussions about "Survival" quite often. In the least, this prompts the mind to think often and briefly about survival options (even if we're laughing about wooden stakes, silver bullets, the fact that in almost every horror movie, at least one girl will trip over her own feet right at the wrong time).

For my friends who aren't horror or Zombie movie fans, I understand that I can't prompt them often to get prepared for possible disasters or else they will freak out and flock off! When SHTF, I want them to survive with me 'cos I very much like these people... so I've been thinking up suggestions for those who are resistant to the idea of preparing for the future and who are too busy working to think much about the future (Not to mention those who are AVOIDING prep for when SHTF because they are afraid of the future).

There will never be anything I can do or say to those who already think I am a nutcase - to convince them to prep before SHTF - so I'm going to save my time, words, and energy and not bother with those people... even though I like some of 'em.

Consequently, nobody I've ever run into who has been prepping for when Shyt Hits The Fan has ever turned down a discussion on the topic of prepping, survival or even Doomsday or Zombie Apocalypse survival (even if most people don't believe SHTF time is going to be about Doomsday or Zombies). As well, of those who never turn these topics down, I have always learned a new and important thing about survival from these people.

For newbies, people who are too busy to prep in large chunks of time, and semi-avoidant people, here are a few suggestions:

  • Prep a bug out bag for possible home fire or home flooding emergencies
  • Pet owners, prep a bug out bag for your pet in case you end up in the hospital or stranded on a road trip sometime
  • People with medical conditions, prep a bug out bag for emergency hospital trips 

And that's all.

Enjoy the relief you'll feel once you get these emergency bags together, place them in easy to access locations and you'll have fewer worries about sometimes minor but extremely COMMON emergencies.

Seriously - that's all - don't do anymore. Just think about how you feel about having put together something for a possible future emergency. Think back, once you're done, on how difficult or simple you found putting an emergency bug out bag together.

Next time you are stranded away from home and you've only left 2 days of food out for your pet, you'll be able to call a neighbor or friend, say, "Hey, look in such and such closet/room for a bug out bag. Everything for Rover/Whiskers is in there - will call you when I get back home."

Next time you're having minor health difficulties and think you might need to head to the hospital, just grab your hospital bug out bag from the easy-access location you've stored it at and you won't have to worry about your medical cards, a bit of cash (you put that in your bug out bag, right???), notepad and pen, emergency phone numbers, medications list, etc. If your medical emergency is severe and you end up unconscious, what you've prepped into your bug out bag might be very helpful for emergency workers to see! (This happens in my case).

If your fire alarm goes off and home and you really have to get out because nobody has staged an official fire drill - you can be really certain that you can leave your home and go to a safe location... so long as you grab your easy to access bug out bag - alert the other people in your home and grab your pets on your way out the door.

Yes, learning about survival skills, honing skills, prepping and all the rest can be overwhelming. Do a few things at a time. Many things you can do to prepare for an emergency or for when SHTF aren't freakish, weird, or dramatic at all - they're smart and logical. They will give you peace of mind and free up your thoughts after the prep work is done - so you can enjoy time with family, friends, hobbies, pets, activities and events.

Enjoy knowing that you're prepared for at least a few emergencies and give yourself credit for having adopted some survival skills!


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